The automated enterprise

Unify your people, processes, and technology through IT automation

“The Automated Enterprise” argues that widespread IT automation across people, processes, and platforms is key to success in today’s rapidly changing business landscape. In this eBook, we have covered the below key points.

Key Points:

  • Build a pilot automation project to demonstrate the meaningful impact on your business and IT.
  • Integrate standardized workflows with additional operational or business support systems for increased oversight and orchestration.
  • Create a center of excellence (CoE) or community of practice (CoP) to guide other teams in applying standardized automation approaches across projects and processes.
  • Discover how Surescripts automated IT processes and failover operations, saving 3,000 hours on manual tasks and 2 hours per service during failover incidents. Learn how organizations like Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina, AIA Group, and Cepsa have successfully leveraged automation to streamline operations and accelerate cloud migration.

Start your journey to automation success and learn where to begin automating common tasks. Understand the difference between automation platforms and tools, and explore the benefits of event-driven automation.

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