

The IT automation imperative: What executives need to know

What executives need to know

IT infrastructure automation is delivering tangible benefits to organizations around the world. One of the biggest benefits of automation is its positive impact on digital infrastructure resiliency against inherent risks. With automation, businesses can proactively remediate digital disruptions caused by unexpected failures, errors, and breaches.

So, what are executives prioritizing with IT infrastructure automation?

  • 32% of survey respondents prioritize standardized and automated incident and threat response.
  • 38% of survey respondents authorize automation for infrastructure configuration standardization, compliance, and remediation.
  • 26% of respondents opt for automation for unified networking and edge security applications.
  • Nearly one-fourth of respondents look out for automation solutions for AI and ML observability, dependency, and threat analytics.

Another benefit of using automation is improved ability to retain top IT talent.

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is a multi-faceted automation solution engineered to help organizations embrace maximum flexibility within IT environment. Talent retention influences how organizations manage to build more efficient network infrastructure management.

To take a holistic approach prioritizing IT automation for strategic business processes, including IT talent management, download this informative e-book, by Red Hat.

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