The Ultimate Guide to Unified Real-Time Data Platforms

A Unified Real-Time Data Platform seamlessly combines data in-motion and data at-rest with compute functionality to enable enterprises to handle complex analytical, streaming, and transactional data workloads at ultra-low latencies.  

The platform enables data processing and analytics in the low milliseconds with horizontal scalability, strong security, and disk-based durability, and does so across disparate, diverse, and distributed data sources.

This eBook, sponsored by GridGain, provides an overview of a Unified Real-Time Data Platform, its key components, and use cases for which this architectural approach is most relevant.

Key takeaways include:

  • A deeper understanding of what a Unified Real-Time Data Platform is
  • A look at use cases that are addressed by a Unified Real-Time Data Platform
  • How a Unified Real-Time Data Platform compares to other data architectures

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