
Building the Business Case for Accounting Automation

Nearly 1 in 2 Accountants are thinking about leaving!

 We polled 1,500 accountants on a recent webinar with IMA. A whopping 45% said they considered leaving their role in the last year.

 The top reason? Too much pressure.

 Move fast. Report accurate revenue. But do it with messy transaction data and crashing workbooks.

 If you’ve got revenue accounting problems and you’re ready to relieve the pressure, download our business case guide and template. We break down exactly what you need to build a successful business case for accounting automation. 

 We helped top accounting teams at Canva, Reddit, and SeatGeek successfully build a business case to convince stakeholders that automation is a must-have – and you can too.

 Download now to learn how to build a winning business case for accounting automation.

 Includes our guide, template, and helpful worksheets to get started on your business case.

 Download the Guide

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