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30 Sec and you're back on track!
Security Failover Technology for Cyber-attack Recovery That Redefines The Very Essence of ICS & OT Resilience

Failover functionality is a game-changer in the modern IT systems management industry. It is an important part of the disaster recovery plan. It accommodates the mandatory continuous availability (CA) or high availability (HA) processes, ensuring full backup if a computer, system, network, or hardware unit fails.

Salvador Technologies offers patented security failover technology for critical systems. With a single click, automate your entire recovery process through an easy, retrievable data security platform.

Security failover services include: 

  • Complete recovery from IT failures
  • 30-second recovery from cyber attacks
  • Fully-automated recovery process
  • Single-view monitoring system for full visibility
  • Offline protection for backup data
  • Software data recovery and full OS configurations

Ideal for customers in these industries:

  • Critical infrastructures
  • Energy
  • Manufacturing
  • Logistics
  • Maritime
  • BMS

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