Knowing Where Your
Audience Is

Using Data for Smarter Site Selection in a Post-Pandemic World


Discover the long-lasting effects of the pandemic on the retail industry. Three years later, it’s becoming increasingly clear which shifts were just short-term and which ones are here to stay. 

Among the longer-lasting trends are changes to migration patterns and the cemented impact of virtual work. These shifts have affected where audiences are, and therefore where they look to shop and eat. As a result, retailers have had to re-evaluate their site selection strategies, shifting focus to newer areas and less traditional formats. 

Join us as we take a data-driven look at these changes and explore their long-lasting ramifications on the retail industry.

Read on to learn: 

  • Discover the lasting effects of COVID-19 on consumer behavior, migration patterns and the rise of virtual work.
  • Understand the unexpected surge in in-store shopping and the 4.3% growth in brick-and-mortar sales, outperforming e-commerce in 2021.
  • Explore the short-term, medium-term, and long-term changes brought about by the pandemic, and harness the power of data analysis to make informed decisions in this transformed retail landscape.


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